Remote Assessment Request
Please fill out the form below and an assessment will be processed for your vehicle. Please note damage to your vehicle will be further inspected once it arrives at our facilities and all estimates are for visible damage only.
We require an overall view of the vehicle including damaged and undamaged areas.
The following digital image types are required to support your estimate.

01. Overall image of vehicle and damage.

02. Overall image of vehicle front.
(Including rego)

03. Images of vehicle from rear.
(Including rego)

04. Image of undamaged side.

05. Image of damaged area.

06. Close up of internal damage.

07. Registration sticker.

08. Road user charges (RUC) label. (For diesel vehicles only)

09. Warrant of fitness sticker.

10. Image showing current mileage.
Note: Please do not include images of the trip readings.

11. Overall image of the interior.
Note: take an image of the stereo if it is aftermarket.

12. Any old unrelated damage.